Thursday 18 August 2011

My Daily Cruise

I doze, I struggle to wake;
The splash of water on my face
Wakes me up, the warmth of each drop;
and the love with which it was made;
.. and I am grateful

I'm in pain, I struggle to breathe;
Wished I had better control over stress;
The hot steaming tea refreshes me;
I bless the man who kept it there;
..... and I am grateful

I walk, I stop, I sit, I walk again,
I hear the screaming, splash the muck,
How I crave for some peace;
I stick my ear-phones in my ears, I'm in paradise;
I feel privileged to experience such luxury
........ and I am grateful

The pain in my limbs begins to cease,
A different kind of energy flows through my veins
I feel inspired, I write a song,
Nothing in this moment can go wrong
........ and I am grateful

I see the engine, hear the sound
I make a small cross on my forehead
The powerful assurance of protection
I step in, oops.. I jump, no - I am pushed!
Alas I am safely aboard, standing somewhat on my toes,
An hour's journey begins…..
............... and I am grateful

I step out an hour later and make it to my second home
I get busy with this or that,
I smile, I laugh, I cry, I joke,
The daylight casts its final shadow,
It's time to make my journey back
.................... and I am grateful

I leap into a train this time, almost as if my energy has doubled;
Probably the joy of returning homeward sets on a current;
Sometimes blessed with great company;
I alight an hour or so later, stumbling along a cramped bridge
I feel one with the spirited crowd, climbing up, climbing down;
I am happy, I smile, I see that someone is waiting, just like yesterday,
We talk, we fight, we laugh, we cry, till we say our goodbyes,
I am finally home, meet familiar eyes, familiar frowns, familiar smiles,
O! the love of family;
I hit my bed, I say goodnight, I join my hands,
.......................................and I am grateful

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