Wednesday 27 July 2011


The breath of fresh life
A pure water stream
Tainted with love
No sin in between

The silvery black manipulator
Won its way through luscious fruit;
Simple and sly, heaven's worth it cost;
Once that was formed was now all but lost

The creator was one with his creation no more
Evil prevailed no peace to restore;
Disease and destruction, the question remained
Would there be a garden of Eden again?

Then in a lowly manger was born a humble babe,
Who was to know He came to save?
That which was lost he came to find;
To embrace the sinner, to heal the blind

The risk He took was much too grave,
With boundless love; he freely gave
His broken body our souls to mend;
That we may see the garden of Eden again!


  1. A beautiful account on the story of our redemption. Simple, and hopeful.

  2. :)Thank U MrNarci, it is inspired by Him!

  3. BEAU-tifulllllllllllllllllllllllll


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